Wednesday 20 July 2011


I just read this very inspiring write-up which I felt you might find most refreshing especially if things are a bit Rough &Tough right now. Enjoy & please feel free to leave your comments below:

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Don't say, "If things were different, I would do something."

Do something with them as they are.Facing your life as it is now and winning is the object.
When things go hard and money stops coming in, or you lose your job and everything goes wrong, take account of stock. See what is wrong. See what you have forgotten, and go on  and conquer.
We dream what we would do if . . .
Now wipe out the "if."
Dream, and do it regardless of circumstances.
You say, "That cannot  be done."
It can be done
There is no "can't" about it.
The man who wills to do it, who puts up the fight and is willing to do the work, can put it over.
A young man discovered a vein of of gold high up in the mountain.
He needed power. He needed money.
He needed to know how to develop it.
He struggled and worked and failed.
Sitting down one night  after a long hard day, tired clear through and through, he said to himself, "I know where my difficulty is. I don't know anything about this rock. I don't know anything about Geology and I know nothing about mining. I am going down to the city and find out."
He came down to the city and went to the head  of the mining department in the university, and laid the case before him. the professor called up a mining engineer .
He met the young man. The young man told his story.The engineer  said that he must go and see the vein.
It took about a week to get there.
After the engineer had seen it, he said, "There are millions there. But it will cost a great deal to get in here and to develop it. You will have to organize a stock company or sell it. Which will you do?
The young man said, "I am going to develop it."

It took him a year of hard training and study.He gave hinself utterly to it.
Through the long winter months he drove himself until, when the springtime came he had acquired the knowledge that he needed.
It made him MILLIONS!!!!!
The trouble with too many people is that they want to get it too easily.
Most of us say, "If I had had a chance - but circumstances were against me. I don't have an education. I didn't have the pull."
We lay our failure to the lack of opportunity.
The other fellow, handicapped worse than we, made opportunities.
He fought until opportunities came to him.
Success belongs to the man who simply wills to do it.
He is the man who make success come his way.
The fellow who lies down and says, "I can't do it ," is a failure.
Never lose heart because the first efforts fail.
Go back and find the reason.
Pick up the wreckage of old failures and build them into success.
You Can Do It.

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Still a bit doubtful? Don't know where to start? Need a helping hand? CLICK HERE

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