These days you are not rich if you have one million. Although not pocket-change, a million in the bank would merely allow you to live in moderate comfort for the rest of your days. You would have to be careful with money. You could not be extravagant. One million in disposable capital would give you around £50,000 a year in salary after tax, which is a lot less than a good company director gets. If you took this salary, the million would slowly be eaten away by inflation until it was worth just £350,000 (today’s buying power) in about fifteen years. Hardly a king’s ransom, I think you’ll agree.

One million pounds buys you a decent house in the South of England, that's all. After you've bought the house, all the money has gone and there would not be a penny left to furnish it, pay the bills or for living expenses. No, the days are long gone when becoming a millionaire was a crazy dream. Being a millionaire is not what it used to be. A millionaire in 1900 would have the equivalent of one hundred million pounds in today's money!
“He’s down to his last million! Oh the poor, poor dear boy!”
The point here is perspective.
When you’ve had ten or a hundred million, this level of wealth seems normal for you. To be down to your last million really is flat broke - an horrific state to be in.
In contrast, when you have an overdraft and exist on a pittance, then a paltry £10,000 feels like a staggeringly large pile of cash - a gleaming mountain of gold. And a million? Well, this seems unimaginable; a sum of money which simply cannot be held in the mind, it is so vast.
It is this sense of perspective which aids the rich person and hampers the poor. If you have made a few million, how do you think you view your chances of making it again if you were to lose it? A bit of a nuisance, right? An irritation. But a ludicrous fantasy? A crazy, impossible dream? Hardly! So do you think people with this attitude manage to make a million again if they lose it?
Yes, they do. No problem. Often they do it several times over, if they are particularly careless with money.
But when you are broke and have never managed to accumulate more than a fiddling £10,000 in small change at any one time, how do you think you view the possibility of making a million or ten million?
This appears to be an unscaleable mountain, the dizzy heights of which tower to infinity above you, a mere mortal. These slopes seem impossible to climb. You cannot imagine how another person could have climbed to that lofty peak, let alone the hundreds of thousands, possibly millions who have done so before you. There are over one million dollar millionaires in the USA alone. How hard can it be? Answer: certainly not impossible.
In your more frustrated moments you feel these people must have somehow cheated and caught a ski-lift to the top or been airlifted to the summit. Yet you know this cannot be true. A few might have sneaked to the top by subterfuge - but a million or more? Not likely.
The truth is that such a large a horde of people have tramped this path to the summit that they have left a deeply worn channel for you to follow if you care to.
Look upwards and you will see a long queue of people waiting for their turn at the peak. It’s very crowded up there. Yet your doubt alone prevents you from following. You don't really believe you can do it.
In contrast, those who have made it and lost it know with 100% ice-cold certainty that they can make this kind of money again. They’ve done it once; they’ll do it again if need be. It is this certainty which allows them to repeat their previous success. Sure, they have some technical knowledge and experience which comes in handy the second (or third) time around, but the real secret is their belief.
They believe they can do it. Actually, they know they can do it.
The poor person is filled with doubt and indecision; this prevents them from taking action. They are afraid to fail when really, they have nothing to lose.
If you’re broke, what can you lose? Nothing.
This article is culled from our FREE 'MakingManyRich' Report that will teach you among other things how to build a six-figure a month business on the internet starting wherever you are now working from home part time/fulltime.If you're sick and tired of your situation and want free help making money online working from home. Free Information is available by visiting:
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